Equity Workforce Training Implementation Grants

The Challenge: Create Opportunities for Underserved Individuals in the Clean Energy Workforce

Those most impacted by climate change are typically excluded from opportunities to obtain employment in the clean energy sector due to systemic barriers and lack of training opportunities that lead to career pathways. The Massachusetts clean energy workforce needs to grow by 34%, or more than 34,000 workers by 2030 to meet the state’s aggressive decarbonization goals. Many of these jobs will be living-wage jobs, with median wages of over $36 per hour (in 2023 dollars). As gaps in the workforce for climate-critical sectors grow, engaging underrepresented populations will be crucial, not just for equity, but also to ensure that the Commonwealth has the workforce needed to meet clean energy goals.

About Equity Workforce Training Implementation Grants

MassCEC's Equity Workforce Training Implementation Grants increase access to modern, relevant training. The grants provide up to $1,200,000 across two to three years in direct funding and technical assistance to organizations that can build and scale career pathways leading to climate-critical priority occupations for individuals from Environmental Justice (EJ) neighborhoods or low-income communities, members of Federally recognized and State-acknowledged Tribes, Fossil Fuel Workers, and other underrepresented populations.

Applicants may apply for one or more of the following strands:

  • Strand A: Career Pathway Training Leading to Employment in Climate-Critical Priority Occupations
  • Strand B: Clean Energy Career Awareness, Career Exploration, Career Navigation, and Preparedness

Successful applicants will propose projects that address barriers faced by these populations, demonstrate a high level of employer engagement and leverage of existing workforce development systems, and lead to high-quality careers in climate-critical occupations.

Applicants applying for multiple strands must submit a separate application for each strand.

Award Potential

Career Pathway Training: up to $1,200,000 
Career Awareness: up to $400,000 

Application Deadline

February 7, 2025

May 2, 2025 

Questions? Contact

Funding Schedule

Equity Workforce Training and Implementation Grants are awarded on an annual basis. Applicants not currently ready for program implementation should consider the Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants to prepare for the next round of implementation funding.

Process Step


RFP Release

November 15, 2024

Questions Due to MassCEC via rfpworkforce@masscec.com

Updated monthly on 2nd Tuesday through April 25, 2025

Questions with Answers Posted to MassCEC Website

Updated monthly on 2nd Tuesday through April 5, 2025

Pre-Application Webinar

December 6, 2024

Pre-Application Office Hours

See dates and times

Proposals Due


February 7, 2025, by 11:59 pm

May 2, 2025, by 11:59 pm

Interviews of Applicants (as needed)


Notification of Award

Applications submitted by February 24 will be notified March 2025

Applications submitted by May 2 will be notified July 2025

Who's Eligible

Single organizations or partnerships are eligible to apply. Partnerships are strongly encouraged and may be looked upon more favorably to the extent that they can provide a range of expertise and experience to deliver a comprehensive proposal. One party should take on the role of Lead Applicant.

The following entities are eligible to serve as a Lead Applicant:

  • Community-based entities (often referred to as community-based organizations) such as community action partnerships, environmental justice organizations, neighborhood revitalization organizations, advocacy groups, affordable housing providers, affordable housing developers, and non-profits.
  • Post-secondary educational institutions, K-12 School Districts, Comprehensive and Vocational High Schools, Middle schools, and Vocational Schools offering a Career Technical Initiative evening program.
  • Trade and Labor entities, trade associations, unions, or other coalitions of businesses and clean energy businesses, Non-Profit and For-Profit .
  • Federally Recognized and State-Acknowledged Tribes.
  • Workforce Development Organizations, Non-Profit and For-Profit.
  • Massachusetts Workforce Investment Boards and Career Centers/Mass Hire Organizations.

Applicants that have received prior funding via the MassCEC Equity Workforce Planning and Capacity Grants and Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Support Grants are eligible, as long as those applications are separate and distinct efforts from this proposed project.

For full eligibility requirements and other Program details, please refer to the Equity Workforce Training Implementation Grant Request for Proposals (RFP).


Application Process

This solicitation has two stands, which are described in the RFP above. Strand A and Strand B have common application materials provided below. Applicants applying for multiple strands must submit a separate application for each strand.  

Proposals should be emailed to rfpworkforce@masscec.com by 11:59 PM on the deadline date with "Equity Workforce Training Implementation Grant Application" in the subject line.

Application Materials

Send completed application to rfpworkforce@masscec.com 

Pre-Application Office Hours

MassCEC hosts a series of office hours (one-hour blocks) to answer questions about all open Workforce Development grant opportunities. Join anytime during the one-hour block! 

Pre-Application Webinars

On December 6th, 2024 MassCEC held a pre-application webinar for the 2025 Equity Training and Climate Critical funding opportunities. The webinar addressed eligibility, budget, and the application process.

Recent Training & Implementation Grant Projects

Frequently Asked Questions

  • These FAQs were last updated on February 11, 2025.
  • Questions are accepted and answers will be posted on a rolling basis.
  • Submit questions to rfpworkforce@masscec.com
1. Are there equal funding pools for the January and May deadlines?

MassCEC does not have a predetermined funding amount for the January and May deadlines. Funding for the May deadline will be contingent on the amount disbursed to awardees resulting from the January deadline applications.

2. Are applicants eligible to apply for both strands on the same grant?

Yes. Applicants are not restricted from applying for both strands, but the capacity to successfully complete the work will be part of the award consideration. Additionally, applicants must submit one application per strand that they apply to. 

3. Are there specific performance requirements and expectations?

Applicants must provide milestones in the application that show the outcomes resulting from the grant, such as the number of participants served, completion rate of the training program, and number of off-ramp or job placements upon program completion. 

4. Can this funding be used for equipment and infrastructure? Are there caps on this?

Organizations that are implementing training programs which require the purchase of equipment may apply to this RFP, but all equipment must be used for the program. Acquisition of equipment for general operating purposes is not an acceptable use offor this funding.  

There is no explicit cap on funds used to purchase or lease equipment; however, the amount requested must be reasonable within the context of the program and be a reasonable proportion of the proposed budget. For larger capital purchases or leases, applicants are encouraged to consider applying to MassCEC’s Climate-Critical Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure grant. Furthermore, organizations seeking funding only for equipment or infrastructure and not for training implementation should consider applying to MassCEC’s Climate-Critical Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure grant or to other applicable capital grants from other funding sources. 

5. Can funds be used to cover program staff costs? Is it an expectation that those program staff hired specifically to deliver the program be retained after the term of the grant?

Yes, funds can be used to cover the salaries and benefits of staff delivering services related to the program. While it is not a specific requirement for a grantee to retain staff brought on for the program after the term of the grant, those applications that include plans to leverage other resources to sustain the program following the term of the grant may score more favorably. 

6. Are there any limits or restrictions on types of wraparound support services?

No, there are no specific limits on the types of wraparound support services that can be provided. Working with marginalized and underrepresented communities often requires comprehensive and holistic support services to ensure success, so those proposals with thoughtful wraparound support service plans will likely score more favorably. 

7. Can organizations apply even if they are not ready to implement a training program?

MassCEC offers separate Planning and Capacity Grants for organizations that want to develop training programs for future implementation. If an organization applies to this Equity Training RFP but does not demonstrate the necessary capacity to implement their concept, MassCEC may award a Planning Grant instead. 

8. If an organization previously received funding from another team at MassCEC, is it still eligible for this solicitation? If an organization previously received Workforce funding, can it apply to fund an additional training cycle of the program?

Organizations that have received prior funding from MassCEC are still eligible to respond to this solicitation, so long as the proposed program is separate and distinct from the programs supported by prior funding. Expansion of an existing proven program to include new target populations or upskilling the delivered curriculum may be viewed as separate and distinct; extending and sustaining the existing program without any impactful changes will not be viewed as separate and distinct. 

An application to fund an additional training cycle of an existing MassCEC funded program will need to show that the expanded training will benefit a set of participants that is distinct from the participants benefitting from the existing MassCEC grant. 

9. Can a 501(c)(6) non-profit apply for funding under this RFP? Can a municipality?

Yes, a non-profit with a 501(c) designation is eligible to apply, so long as they meet the other eligibility requirements. These funds must be used for the eligible uses listed in the RFP and cannot be used for lobbying. 

Municipalities are not eligible for the workforce training grants. However, municipalities can partner with an organization that meets the eligibility criteria for lead applicants. 

10. Do we need to have employer partners already or can we use the grant to develop partnerships?

The RFP requires two MOUs or LOSs signaling potential placements for participants. The grant will allow for a six-month ramp up that includes partnership development. If more employers will be involved beyond the first two signaled in the MOUs or LOSs, that ramp up time could be utilized to increase your partners. The plan for ramping up partnerships should be referenced in the application to be considered competitive. 

11. Will Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) from trade associations fulfill the employer MOU requirement?

Yes, so long as the MOUs indicate either some level of commitment by the trade association and its members to interview program graduates for placement in appropriate positions or an outright commitment to hire graduates. The MOUs are intended to demonstrate and solidify a clear potential for entry into the Clean Energy Workforce through the training programs. 

12. Does MassCEC want applicants to take advantage of federal grants?

Yes, applicants are asked to leverage other resources, which may include federal grants and other matching sources of funding and/or funding that will continue after funds from this grant are expended to ensure the sustainability of the proposed program. 

13. Can state grants be used as matching funds?

State grants can be used as matching funds. However, grants from other MassCEC departments are not eligible as matching funds. 

Which Program is Right for Us?

MassCEC has two open solicitations that provide funding and technical assistance to develop and scale workforce training programs for climate-critical occupations: 1) Climate-Critical Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure, and 2) Equity Workforce Training Implementation, (this page). While both solicitations support training programs, The Equity Training Implementation Grants look to support individuals from priority populations with career pathway training or exploration while Climate-Critical Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure Grants look to support Massachusetts based residents with career pathway training or incumbent workers with upskilling. See the table below to decide which funding opportunity suits your program goals.

Climate-Critical Workforce Training

Equity Workforce Training

Funding Amount per Award


Up to $1.2 million


February 7, 2025

May 2, 2025

February 7, 2025

May 2, 2025

Programmatic Goals

Support Massachusetts residents with career pathway training or incumbent workers with upskilling​

Support individuals from priority populations with career pathway training or exploration

Match Requirement (Equipment and Infrastructure only)

Not Required

Not Applicable

Target Population

EJ Neighborhood, Federally Recognized and State Acknowledge Tribes, Fossil Fuel Workers, Low/moderate income Populations, Massachusetts Residents 

EJ Neighborhood, Federally Recognized and State Acknowledge Tribes, Fossil Fuel Workers, Low/moderate income Populations

Other Resources

MassCEC will look favorably on applications that propose data-driven approaches and leverage pre-existing resources from the robust workforce development and clean energy sectors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Applicants are advised to use Powering the Future: A Massachusetts Clean Energy Workforce Needs Assessment along with the following additional resources to inform their applications:

Workforce Development

Additional Funding Opportunities