Request for Proposals: Workforce Solutions Data Platform

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) is seeking qualified vendors to develop a Workforce Solutions Data Platform. This Platform will support a growing portfolio of workforce development initiatives, including programs directly administered by MassCEC and those supported by grantees. This platform will be integral in helping Massachusetts ensure the workforce needed to meet the state’s climate goals, and as such, will need to capture key program components and outcomes, including the recruitment, onboarding, training, retention, and advancement of many individuals and in the clean energy workforce across Massachusetts. The objective is to enable grantees to coordinate with job and internship seekers and employers, facilitating their progress through various stages such as eligibility validation, job training, onboarding, and retention. The platform will utilize a CRM-style approach for communication and reporting, support data-driven decisions, and provide learning materials through a learning management system (LMS).

At a high level, this platform intends to support the following activity:

  • Simple workflows for guiding job seekers through “pipelines” of engagement that include training, role matching, hiring, onboarding, and retention.
  • Automating steps where possible, for example in verifying participant and employer eligibility.
  • Flexible data collection and reporting for data-driven decision-making across user groups.
  • Curated access resources (e.g. learning materials).
  • Support submission of key deliverables to MassCEC from application to reporting stages.
  • Support dissemination of program outcomes, materials, and guidelines for involvement to key user groups, and to the public.

This RFP outlines MassCEC’s values, including a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and environmental justice. It also details the success metrics, project implementation timeline, security requirements, and the importance of a mobile-first design. Vendors are required to submit proposals by August 28, 2024, and should address their ability to meet the project’s objectives, timelines, and security requirements, as well as provide financial information and references. There is no requirement against collaborating with other organizations, only that a single organization designate themselves as “primary vendor.”

Application Deadline

August 28, 2024 at 11:59 PM

Questions? Contact


All dates are subject to change at MassCEC's discretion. 

Process step timing
Release of RFP July 17, 2024
Information Session / Q&A with potential vendors July 23, 2024, 11:00 am ET
Questions Due to MassCEC via Email to July 26, 2024
Questions with Answers Posted to MassCEC Website July 30, 2024
Proposals Due August 28, 2024,
by 11:59 pm ET
Interviews with Top Applicants Begin September 3, 2024
Interviews of Top Applicants Finalized September 12, 2024
Notification of Award September 30, 2024
Launch of Platform v1 July 1, 2025

Upcoming Webinar

Learn more about the Workforce Data Platform RFP in this upcoming information session/Q&A.


Application Process

Proposals should be emailed to by 11:59 PM on the deadline date with "Workforce Solutions Data Platform Application" in the subject line.

Application Materials

Send completed application to

Additional Funding Opportunities