Request for Proposals: Medium- and Heavy-Duty Mobile Charging Solutions

Through this RFP, MassCEC seeks qualified consultants or professionals with experience in clean transportation, MHD fleet electrification support, mobile, temporary, and/or non-grid tied charging stations, and utility coordination to serve as a technical consultant and project manager under MassCEC's MHD Mobile Charging Solutions Program. The program will provide technical and financial support for MHD fleets across the Commonwealth who are interested in electrifying. 

About the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Mobile Charging Solutions Program

In January 2024, the Healey-Driscoll administration provided American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to MassCEC to develop a program that will increase access to mobile charging and reduce barriers to EV adoption for MHD fleet owners and operators in MA. To adopt MHD EVs, fleet owners incur hefty charging infrastructure costs and face lengthy utility and hardware lead times which can be prohibitive to electrifying fleets. To address these complexities, the MHD Mobile Charging program aims to provide technical and financial support for fleets interested in piloting mobile charging projects at two (2) to four (4) sites in MA.

Award Potential


Application Deadline

September 19, 2024 by 4:00 PM ET

Questions? Contact

Funding Schedule

All dates are subject to change at MassCEC's discretion. 

Process step timing
Release of RFP August 16, 2024
Webinar August 27, 2024 @ 2:00 PM ET
Questions Due to MassCEC via Email ( Rolling until September 9, 2024 at 4:00 PM ET
Questions with Answers Posted to MassCEC Website Rolling until September 12, 2024
Proposals Due September 19, 2024 by 4:00 PM ET
Interview of Top Applicants (If Necessary) September/October 2024
Notification of Award October 2024


MHD Mobile Charging Solutions Webinar

MassCEC hosted a webinar on August 27, 2024, to review the content of the RFP. Click below to view the webinar recording and slides.


Application Process

The applicant should review and respond to the three Scopes of Work described in the RFP.

MassCEC encourages Applicants to form a team with sub-vendors (Applicant Team) to provide all the requisite experience required for the Scope of Work. MassCEC strongly encourages Applicant Teams to include MA-based vendors, small businesses, and diverse suppliers.

Interested applicants are encouraged to join the MHD Mobile Charging Solutions Slack Channel to network, brainstorm, and form Applicant Teams. Please refer to sections 7 and 8 of the RFP for more detailed information on the application process.

Send completed application to


Last updated August 30, 2024.

1. The RFP mentions that “Applicants are strongly encouraged to allocate at least 25% of the proposed funding to Diverse Suppliers.” Will proposals that do not achieve the 25% be considered?

We encourage applicants to aim for this goal. However, MassCEC recognizes that the 25% goal is aspirational. All proposals should provide responses detailing how their program will support suppliers, vendors, and businesses that are often underrepresented or underserved in the Commonwealth. Proposals that do not meet this goal should explain the goal they propose and describe the challenges to meeting the 25% goal.

2. How is this program related to the Justice40 requirements?

This Program advances President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative, which made it a goal that 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, and other investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution. All the funds awarded through the Program are subject to this requirement. This Program will also help both the Commonwealth, and the federal government achieve their emissions reductions goals. 

3. Are you looking for ONE technical/project manager to develop the program and run it for MassCEC?

MassCEC encourages Applicants to form a team with sub-vendors, if necessary, to provide all the requisite experience required for the Scope of Work. Proposals must be submitted by a single lead Applicant and must clearly identify Applicant Team sub-vendor(s) and their respective roles and experience.

4. Can I apply if my Applicant Team is not all MA-based?

Yes, but MA-based teams are strongly encouraged.

Additional Funding Opportunities