Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


Row of electric vehicles plugged into charging stations

MassCEC received funding through the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Coordinating Council (EVICC) to deploy $38 million to advance electric vehicle charging infrastructure installation across the Commonwealth by providing funding and technical assistance to private and public entities, including municipalities, taxi and rideshare drivers, and charging station companies. 

The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs created the EVICC in 2022 to implement an electric vehicle charging infrastructure Initial Assessment.

The EVICC Initial Assessment informed the selection of four distinct Program focus areas:

  • Ride-for-Hire Vehicle Electrification Charging Solutions
  • On-Street Charging Solutions
  • Medium- and Heavy-Duty Charging Solutions
  • Vehicles-to-Everything Demonstration Projects

Program Development Process and Timeline

Program development will be further informed through a series of Notices of Intent (“NOIs”). These NOIs seek feedback from consultants, utilities, financing entities, community organizations, municipalities, charging station and electric vehicle service providers, taxi and ride-share drivers, and other industry stakeholders.

Notice of Intent Status
Notice of intent Status Response Form Response Deadline
Ride-for-Hire Electrification Charging Solutions Feedback closed N/A Closed
On-Street Charging Solutions Feedback closed N/A Closed
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Mobile Charging Solutions Open for Feedback Download July 10, 2024
Vehicle-to-Everything Demonstration Projects Open for Feedback Download July 10, 2024


Stay tuned for the release of the Mobile Charging Solutions and Vehicle-to-Everything Demonstration Projects Notices of Intent in May 2024.

MassCEC will use the stakeholder feedback from the NOIs in the development of the Request for Proposals ("RFP") for each Program. 

The NOIs are solely Non-Binding Notices of Intent to gather feedback and not RFPs. MassCEC anticipates releasing four distinct RFPs for the four distinct programs in Summer 2024 and is not accepting proposals at this time.

How to Respond to the NOIs

Respondents should provide their answers by downloading and emailing a completed version of the Response Form, linked in the corresponding NOI above, to CleanTransportation@MassCEC.com.

Contact Us

If you would like to be added to the Clean Transportation Team’s Stakeholder List, please reach out to CleanTransportation@MassCEC.com with your contact information and Program of interest. You can also subscribe to MassCEC’s Clean Transportation mailing list to be notified of future program opportunities.