Wind Energy Research and Analysis

MassCEC has initiated a variety of research and analysis projects designed to increase understanding around specific wind energy topics. Below is information about several projects that MassCEC has supported. Other projects are currently in the planning phases. We also welcome suggestions for studies. Please send any ideas to the Commonwealth Wind Team.

Property Values Study

MassCEC commissioned researchers and analysts to study the relationship between wind turbines and residential property values. While similar studies have been conducted in other parts of the country, MassCEC’s property values study focused on smaller projects typical of Massachusetts. Details on the study and a copy of the report can be found here.

Falmouth Wind Turbine Community Assistance

MassCEC provided financial assistance to help the Town of Falmouth review options relative to two-town owned wind turbines. MassCEC's support focused on helping the Town of Falmouth and residents identify options for moving forward, and included providing technical experts and a professional facilitator to support the public process.

For more information, please visit the Town of Falmouth website and the Consensus Building Institute, Falmouth Wind Turbines Options Analysis Website.

Kingston Wind Independence Acoustic Study

MassCEC has hired an acoustics expert and a professional facilitator to conduct an acoustic assessment of the Kingston Wind Independence turbine. This effort was undertaken to assist the town and project owner in addressing questions and concerns related to turbine noise.

In October 2015, MassCEC released a response to several technical comments submitted by Mr. Stephen Ambrose of S.E. Ambrose & Associates. The response was prepared by MassCEC and Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. – the firm that completed the study. 

In September 2015, MassCEC released a final technical report (16 MB) detailing the results of the acoustical monitoring study. Also available is a smaller version (8 MB) that does not include Appendix D. The technical findings and predictions in this report are the same as presented in the April 2015 version.  However, there were a number of wording edits that are described in the transmittal letter

In April 2015, MassCEC released a draft technical report detailing the final results of the acoustical monitoring study. Under contract to MassCEC, the Consensus Building Institute accepted comments on this version of the report and prepared a summary of comments.

In June 2014, MassCEC released an interim report, which provided partial results of the acoustical monitoring study of the Kingston Wind Independence wind turbine.

Electronic data for the Kingston Wind Independence Acoustic Study is available upon request.

Development of a Pre-Construction Acoustic Study Methodology for Wind Projects

To ensure that all pre-construction acoustic studies for wind projects follow a consistent methodology, MassCEC worked with technical experts to create an Acoustic Study Methodology. This methodology must be used by all projects that receive support from MassCEC. This document is intended to assist developers in anticipating whether a project will comply with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s noise regulation.

The methodology was presented at the 2012 Internoise Conference

The Massachusetts Wind Working Group

MassCEC provides funding for the Massachusetts Wind Working Group, which serves as a forum for wind energy stakeholders to promote smart and successful wind energy development in the Commonwealth. The working group holds quarterly meetings to present and discuss relevant topics. To register for meetings or for information about past meetings, please see the Massachusetts Wind Working Group website

Research Massachusetts Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics

Wind turbine sound is complex and can be impacted by numerous factors.  The Massachusetts Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics is a scientific assessment of a variety of sound characteristics, metrics and measurement techniques related to the operation of wind turbines. The study was sponsored by MassCEC and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. It was performed by Resource Systems Group, Inc. of White River Junction, Vermont.

The study involved the collection and analysis of acoustical, meteorological and operational data from five operational wind-power facilities in Massachusetts and another New England state . The purpose of this study is to help inform the public about wind turbine sound and improve wind turbine siting and approvals processes in Massachusetts.

Development of a Pre-Construction Acoustic Study Methodology for Wind Projects

To ensure that all pre-construction acoustic studies for wind projects follow a consistent methodology, MassCEC worked with technical experts to create an Acoustic Study Methodology. This methodology must be used by all projects that receive support from MassCEC. This document is intended to assist developers in anticipating whether a project will comply with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s noise regulation.

The methodology was presented at the 2012 Internoise Conference.