Event Series: Transitioning to the Future Grid

Series Overview

The “Future Grid” is an electric grid that enables a decarbonized energy system and supports:

  • Massachusetts' 2050 climate goals
  • High levels of reliability, resilience, efficiency and flexibility
  • An equitable energy transition
  • Pathways for innovative solutions 

...but how do we get there?

MassCEC, in partnership with Alliance for Climate Transition (ACT) (formerly the Northeast Clean Energy Council), conducted an event series, Transitioning to the Future Grid in Massachusetts. We convened about 300 diverse stakeholders from across the grid landscape in a forum that complemented the state's first Electric Sector Modernization Plans process. Our series created a unique opportunity for an expanded group of stakeholders to collaborate, build relationships, and generate actionable recommendations to help Massachusetts progress towards an efficient, equitable, and modern grid. 

Public and private sector series participants included representatives from:

  • Utility regulators
  • Utilities -- both investor-owned and municipal
  • Grid technology providers and entrepreneurs
  • Community-based organizations and municipal leaders
  • Academic institutions

Over three days between March and September 2024, participants successfully developed recommendations for these critical grid challenges:

  • Advancing incentive-based regulation
  • Fostering the adoption of innovative grid technology
  • Expanding engagement in grid planning 

Participant feedback

"...a fantastic job of bringing stakeholders together.  Events like this foster the excellent dialogue needed to pave the way forward as we collaborate, act, and lead the response the the climate crisis.  Let's continue to work together to make a meaningful impact!"

-- Attendee

"Insightful and impactful event series!"


Are you a grid-related company or organization with an interest in Massachusetts? MassCEC’s Net Zero Grid Team would like to meet you! 

Event 1: Exploring Strategies for an Efficient Grid Transition

March 28, 2024, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Keynote presenters

  • Rebecca Tepper, Secretary, MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
  • Dr. Emily Reichert, CEO, MassCEC


  • Include a wide range of Massachusetts grid stakeholders
  • Foster collaborative, innovative discussion 
  • Collectively select the challenges upon which to focus the event series

OUTCOME: Selection of three key challenges

  • Exploring incentive-based regulation
  • Fostering the adoption of grid technology
  • Democratizing/Engagement in grid planning


Event 2: Transforming Ideas into Solutions

May 23, 2024, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Fireside Chat

  • Melissa Lavinson, Executive Director, MA Office of the Energy Transformation
  • Jamie Van Nostrand, Chair, MA Department of Public Utilities

Exploration of key challenges through presentations and table discussions

Incentive-Based Regulation

Fostering the Adoption of Gridtech

Democratizing Grid Planning

Event 3: Draft Recommendations for a Path Forward

September 26, 2024, The Engine Accelerator, Cambridge

Keynote: Elizabeth Mahony, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources

Presentation of Draft Recommendations: Sarah Cullinan, MassCEC

Fireside Chat: Debriefing DPU Order on the first set of Electric Sector Modernization Plans

  • Melissa Lavinson, Executive Director, MA Office of the Energy Transformation
  • Jamie Van Nostrand, Cahir, MA Department of Public Utilities
  • Andrew Schneller, VP Network Strategy and Regulation, National Grid
  • Digaunto Chatterjee, SVP Engineering, Eversource

Table Discussion of Draft Recommendations
