Cost of Electrifying Existing Buildings

While data and modeling on the incremental construction cost of fully electrified new buildings are available for some building typologies in the Commonwealth, a current, comprehensive study of the incremental costs of electrifying the existing building stock in the Commonwealth is not.

To address this information gap, MassCEC, in partnership with NMR, is studying the upfront cost of electrifying and increasing the energy efficiency of the Commonwealth’s existing buildings. The study will examine costs both in absolute terms and relative to business-as-usual investments. Our plan is to disseminate the findings broadly. 

Rooftop closeup of commercial heat pump system with tall buildings in background
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heating and cooling systems are an option for converting a building to all-electric comfort control.

The study will focus on the following building typologies:
•    Residential single-family detached
•    Residential single-family attached
•    Low-rise multi-family (1-3 stories)
•    Mid-rise multi-family (4-8 stories)
•    High-rise multi-family (over 8 stories)
•    Office
•    Mercantile/retail
•    Lodging
•    Warehouse and storage
•    Education



Stages Dates
Consultant Procurement Feb - Sep 2024
Cost Data Collection Sep-Dec 2024
Case Studies, White Paper, and Database (initial deliverables) Spring 2025
One-Year Update Early 2026
Two-Year Update Early 2027