The following study was prepared under contract to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center:
2018 Massachusetts Sludge Survey, v.1.1, December 2019:
- Report on state-wide sludge generation, management practices, needs and opportunities
- Sludge Survey database (Excel)
The following studies were prepared with assistance from the Commonwealth Organics-to-Energy program:
Springfield Water and Sewer Commission BioEnergy Feasibility Study, March 2019
Ayer MA Organics to Energy Study, July 2014
Crapo Hill (New Bedford) Pilot Digester Start-Up, Final Construction Project Report, March 2015
City of Boston Feasibility Study, Final Report, July 2017
Easthampton AD Feasibility Study, Final Report, May 2014
Franklin Park Zoo Biothermal Energy Feasibility Study, Final Report, Oct. 2014
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Memo on Co-Digestion Pilot Operations, July 2018
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Feasibility Study, Final Report, June 2013
Millbury MA Feasibility Study, Final Report, Sept. 2013
MWRA Bench Scale Co-Digestion Pilot Study, Final Report, Oct. 2013
Pittsfield MA Technical Study, Final Report, June 2018