Paradigm Energy Services
2 Richdale Ave.
Somerville, MA 02145
United States
Number of MA Employees
Please describe the nature of the business or organization
Paradigm Energy Services, headquartered in Somerville, MA is an Energy Services Company providing traditional energy efficiency services (lighting, weatherization, heating, mechanical) and emerging energy efficiency services (storage, electrification, and other distributed generation solutions). To date, over 100,000 Massachusetts households have received energy efficiency services from our team. Our divisional service branches operate out of Woburn, MA (weatherization) and the Hyde Park neighborhood of Boston, MA (heating, hvac, and plumbing by our fully owned brand). We provide The Premium Project Experience including project development, design, build, and finance to agencies, utilities, and building owners. No one does multifamily better than Paradigm.
Are you interested in hiring international students?
Compensation Explanation
We will work to leverage a meaningful compensation for the internship. We process payroll through ADP totalsource.
Company Email
Contact Name
Kelly Hogan
Contact Title
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Clean energy sector
Energy Efficiency
Primary Activity
Where did you hear about the program?
mass cec