Greater Lawrence Technical School


57 River Road
Andover, MA 01810
United States

Number of MA Employees
Please describe the nature of the business or organization
Greater Lawrence Technical School is a public regional vocational high school committed to expanding access to lucrative technical careers for Merrimack Valley residents. We educate 1800 high schoolers across 22 technical areas.
We operate the After Dark Program for 140 comprehensive high school students to earn a technical certificate in addition to a diploma. And we offer workforce development trainings in 13 technical areas for adults to gain skills to start a career.

Now with the Massachusetts ambitious carbon emissions reduction goals, a skilled clean energy workforce is needed. Vocational technical high schools play a central role in building this workforce, and GLTS is preparing with staff, equipment and employer connections, to make sure our graduates are ready to contribute to a clean energy economy.
Are you interested in hiring international students?
Compensation Explanation
We are posting a full time position, not seeking an intern. We are financially able to compensate staff.
Company Email
Contact Name
Susan Almono
Contact Title
Director of Grants and Workforce Development
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Clean energy sector
Services and Support
Where did you hear about the program?
Word of mouth